1 MIs - Tilmanstone.
2 Norman Ralph Tritton.
3 From death entry.
4 GRO, 8051 65 116.
5 Robert Hayes.
6 Parish Register.
7 Mike DavisFrom a transcript in the KFHS Library by Mr W. Lemmon (6216) 5 Woodisde Close, Bury St. Edmunds IP33 2T.
8 Brother - Norman Tritton.
9 Pat Tritton.
10 Valerie Edwards.
11 GRO, Chester Le Street March Qtr 10a 696.
12 Albert Martin.
13 1891 Census.
14 Nick Tritton <tritt.n@bigpond.net.au>.
15 GRO, Portsmouth 2b 527.
16 www.ww2roll.gov.au.
17 From marriage entry.
18 1861 Census.
19 Transcript of MIS.
20 1881 Census.
21 MIs - Canterbury.
22 GRO, Canterbury 2a 1108.
23 1871 Census Return.
24 GRO, Canterbury 5f 127.
25 GROMI - Canterbury, Canterbury 16 0167.
26 1851 Census.
27 GRO.
28 GRO, Canterbury 2a 2047.
29 Brian Green.
30 Marilyn Dobrint <marilyn.dobrindt@sympatico.ca>.
32 Parish register - Pat.
33 Patricia Payne.
34 From marriage licence.
35 Bishops Transcripts Hythe,Kent.
36 Stephen T. Moseling.
37 Kay Raynorraynor@advproj.com.au.
38 1841 Census.
Rev John Cummings, Life & Lessons of Our Lord (Book owned by Edwin and info on fly cover
Published 1863/64).
40 Birth Certificate held.
41 Stephen Miles.
42 1851 Census Return.
43 Vernon Charles Paget Hodson, List of the Officers of the Bengal Army 1754 - 1834.
44 Devon family History Society.
45 Michael Gandy - 1851 Census, HO107 2113 f119v.
46 Federation of Family History Societies, National Burial Index.
47 Newspaper Cutting, The Hull Packet and East Riding Times (Hull, England), Friday, May 17, 1850; Issue 3411.
48 From death certificate.
49 Death Certificate Held.
50 1851 Census, HO107 1633 f546.
51 GRO, Islington 1b 175 December Quarter.
52 Ruth Elizabeth Rae Challacombe.
53 Jeanne Nielson.
54 Malcolm Austen.
55 Malcolm Austen & 1851 Census return.
56 www.woodchurchancestry.org.uk.
57 GRO, Wandsworth 1d 312.
58 Malcolm Austen, 2a 787.
59 Malcolm Austen, 2a 832.
60 Malcolm Austen, 2a 820.
61 Malcolm Austen, 2a 816.
62 Malcolm Austen, 2a 748.
63 From Marriage of child.
64 1851 Census, HO107; Piece: 1559; Folio: 381; Page: 1.
65 Malcolm Austen, 2a 798.
66 Janet Charlesworth [janetcharlesworth@hotmail.com].
67 GRO, Lambeth 1d 349.
68 Death Certificate Held, DXZ719304.
69 Dover Telegraph.
70 Mike Davis.
71 1851 Census, HO107/1632f824.
72 GRO, Bermondsey 4 5.
73 From marriage certificate.
74 Marriage Certificate held.
75 Email, "Greg Tritton" <tritton@cogeco.ca>.
76 Email, "Greg Tritton <tritton@cogeco.ca>.
77 Free BMD on Internet, St Olave 1d 48 Sep 1855.
78 Marie Stapley.
79 Whorlow pedigree.
80 Family Search on Internet.
Free BMD on Internet, Marriages Mar 1845
Tritton William Thomas Islington 3 171
82 1881 Census Cds, PRO Ref RG11 Piece 0488 Folio 180 Page 51.
83 1871 Census Return, RG10/819 p24.
84 GRO, St.Saviour 1d 87.
85 JHWebb, John Webb.
86 Morris Pedigree.
This is a terrific peice of work and I have had a very enjoyable evening browsing through the Browning family.
I have some additional information if you wish to include it. James Browning born 1841 in Whitstable and marri, Gabrielle Churchill.
88 Shelagh Mason.
89 Kay Hollingsbee.
90 The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, International Genealogical Index (R), Copyright (c) 1980, 2002, data as of November 11, 2004.
91 Copy of Marriage Cert.
92 Frederick William Tritton, Frederick William Tritton (Transcript of notes made by F.W.T. regarding his life before he died).
93 1881 Census Cds, PRO Ref RG11 Piece 1362 Folio 96 Page 38.
94 "suzannah.foad" <suzannah.foad@btopenworld.com>, Suzannah Foad, Email 25 October 2003.
95 "Delia Gleave" <d@DeliaGleave.F9.co.uk>, Delia Gleave, Email 26/5/03.
96 Dover Census 1891.
97 GRO, Dover 2a 1322.
98 1891 Census ReturnLiving at Black Horse Public House,Swingfield,Kent.
99 Source.
100 Source.
101 Oliver SimonGRO Marriage Certificate held, Brentford 3a 114.
102 Oliver Simon.
103 Carol Cheeseman 106542.320.
104 Free BMD on Internet, Dec 1866 Blean 2a 1301.
105 GRO, St.Geo.H.Sq. 1a922.
106 GRO, Wandsworth 1d 400.
107 Free BMD on Internet, Sept Qtr 1893 Hastings 2b 68.
108 1901 Census, RG13/2390 Page 13.
109 Terry Hicks.
110 The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, International Genealogical Index (R), Copyright (c) 1980, 2002, data as of November 11, 2004, Batch #: C045632, Sheet #: 00, Source Call #: 0598177, Printout Call #: 6900163, Dates: 186.
111 Brisbane City Council.
112 Church of Latter Day Saints, Vital Records Index Second Edition.
113 Registers Christchurch Ramsgate,Kent.
114 Harold Singleton.
115 Registers Dover, St.MaryAs of Church Street, age 4 months.
116 US Government, Social Security Death Index.
117 St.Marys,Folkestone,Kent Bishops Transcripts.
118 1901 Census.
119 TFH16, 8.
120 Brian Whorlow, pauline whorlow <member@larkfield84.wanadoo.co.uk>.
121 Deceased Online, Kent & Sussex Crematorium.
122 (https://www.bdm.qld.gov.au/IndexSearch/querySubmit.m?ReportName=DeathSearch).
123 Commonwealth War Graves Commission.
124 GRO, Lewisham 5d 67.
125 The Times - Obituaries, The Times, Wednesday, Sep 25, 1946; pg. 7; Issue 50565; col E.
126 GRO, Plymouth 7a 726.
127 GRO, Plympton 5b 262.
128 Berkshire FHS, Berkshire Burial Index.
129 Seveoaks,Wesleyan Chapel.
130 1871 Census Return & Patricia Payne.
131 Les May 29943, Descendants of Martha Tritton.
132 Anthuggins@aol.com.
133 1881 CensusCoastguard Station, Marlborough, Devom.
134 "Bill Gurney" <wl.gurney@sympatico.ca>, Bill Gurney.
135 Free BMD on Internet, Mar 1866 Blean 2a 801.
136 1881 CensusSummer Hill, Harbledown.
137 GRO, Dover 2a 1030.
138 www.abney-park.org.uk, Tritton, William Rush 25sep1894 75y 092216 C02 4S04.
139 1881 Census Cds, PRO Ref RG11 Piece 0299 Folio 6 Page 4.
140 From burial entry.
141 GRO, Wolverhampton9b755.
142 Banns Register - Faversham St.MaryRegistered Dec 1912 at Fulham 1a 695.
143 Marriage Certificate held, MXA642230.
144 From marriage certificate, MXA642230.
145 Seen in graveyard.
146 1881 Census Cds, PRO Ref RG11 Piece 0259 Folio 6 Page 6.
147 GRO, Worthing 5h 734.
148 GRO, Hailsham 2b 168.
149 Mark Tritton(Mark.Tritton@tesco.net), Email of 29th July 2000.
150 http://www.sartorelli.gen.nz/tree/kentbaptisms/m.html.
151 www.ancestry.co.uk, Ancestry, RG12/764.
152 1881 Census Cds, PRO Ref RG11 Piece 0940 Folio 49 Page 34.
153 Parish Register - Hawkhurst.
154 Newspaper Cutting.
1930 Census of Cuyahoga County Ohio (Reel 1784 - Enumeration District 580
Page 14A to 16A
Enumeration District Description: Cleveland Heights City (part) bounded by (North) Cedar Road; (East) Taylor Road; (South) Clarendon Road; (West) Lee Road), Page 14A to 16A.
156 www.lastingtribute.co.uk.
157 GRO, Derby 3a 196.
158 GRO, Derby 3a 201.
159 GRO, Bradford 9b 461.
160 www.ancestry.co.uk, Ancestry.
161 Karen Noon (karpil@blueyonder.co.uk).
162 1891 Census, RG12/711f23.
163 St.Marys,Folkestone,Kent Bishops Transcipts.
164 GRO, Shepway 0185161733.
165 Bernard Carlton (Bernard@carltonb.freeserve.co.uk).
166 Doreen Rushbrook.
167 Pamela Nowell.
168 GRO, Barnsley 9c 227.
169 Weslyan Historic Roll.
170 Paul Tritton, TFH25.
171 Kentish Gazette.
172 GRO, Sheffield 9c 287.
173 1881 Census, RG11/940 p34.
174 www.ancestry.co.uk, Ancestry, From death records.
175 paul.design-pro@ntlworld.com, Paul Ward.
176 Ken & Judy Tritton of Wichita Falls, Texas, Tritton family tree provided to Pat & Paul.
177 GRO, Ipswich 4a 943.
178 lynn.wright@ntlworld.com, Lynn Wright.
179 ValCrutchley@aol.com, Email of 28th october 2007.
180 "C.F. Kemp" <cfkemp1@shaw.ca>, Gedcom provided by Carolyn Kemp on 20/10/2002.
181 "C.F. Kemp" <cfkemp1@shaw.ca>, Carolyn Kemp.
182 Source.
183 Source.
184 Source.
185 Source.
186 Source.
187 Source.
188 Source.
189 michaeldaniels@arcady42.freeserve.co.uk, Michael Daniels.
190 GRO, Canterbury 2a 1679.
191 Source.
192 GRO, Canterbury 2a 927.
193 Internet.
194 GRO, Canterbury 2a 1097.
195 "John Balaam" <john.balaam@fun.org.uk>, Anne Balaam (née Fryer).
196 "John Balaam" <john.balaam@fun.org.uk>, Anne E. Balaam.
"John Balaam" <john.balaam@fun.org.uk>, Anne Balaam (née Fryer), Hi Alec,
Thanks for your letter and attachment. I have tidied up some of the dates of birth and deaths on
the first page.
I do have some more photos. Have just received one of Charles Hopkins and his grandaughter Sybil
which were sent to my.
198 "Delia Gleave" <d@DeliaGleave.F9.co.uk>, Delia Gleave.
199 Phyllis Tehan.
200 http://www.ancestry.co.uk/community/member/profile.aspx?cba=DavidRichards1952, http://trees.ancestry.co.uk/pt/person.aspx?pid=-1323025190&tid=6248717.
201 Marriage Certificate held, MXA937098.
202 Cammie Wilkinson (Cammiew918@aol.com).
203 Jkt1122@aol.com, Ken Tritton, Email 12/7/2005.
204 Registers Whitstable.
205 1851 Census, HO107/1625.
206 GRO, Blean 2a 3060.
207 GRO, Pancras 1b 10.
208 GRO, Sunderland 2 1546.
209 1881 Census Cds, PRO Ref RG11 Piece 0321 Folio 46 Page 27.
210 GRO, Blean 2a 1727.
211 Death registration.
212 Parish Register for Seasalter.
213 Clair Wiseman (wiseman@cbn.net.id).
214 GRO Death Index, Sheffield 3/1593 Dec1983 quarter.
215 GRO Death Index, Basingstoke 4911A A50C 03/00.
216 GRO, Willesden 5f 329.
217 GRO, Hendon 3a 125.
218 GRO, Willesden 5f 381.
219 Pat Tritton, Holy Trinity Parish Register, Milton next Gravesend.
220 1891 Census, rg12/707/.
221 1881 Census, RG11/0983 Folio 77 Page 1 FHL film no. 1341233.
222 1881 Census Cds, PRO Ref RG11 Piece 0013 Folio 51 Page 2.
223 GRO, Jun 1905 Bridge 2A 942.
224 Patricia Payne, Letter of 10th July 1998.
225 GRO, Dec 1891 Farnham 2a201.
226 1901 Census, RG13/608.
227 Anna Thomas <anna@thomas-metselaar.freeserve.co.uk>.
228 GRO, Blean 2a 3234.
229 GRO, Mar 1899 Bridge 2A 864.
230 www.ancestry.co.uk, Ancestry, California Death Index, 1940-1997.
231 USA 1930 Census.
232 GRO, Mar 1902 Bridge 2A 872.
233 Birchington RegistersLiving at Alma Cottages, Birchington.
234 Michael Gandy - 1851 Census, HO107 1531 f145v.
235 Sturry MI's.
236 GRO, Doncaster038530917.
237 Dover Telegraph - May29th 1942 Page 1 Column 2, 1.
238 Derbyshire FHS, Derbyshire FHS 1891 Census (www.familyhistoryonline.net), Osmaston Class/Piece RG12/2722 Folio 72 Page 34 Schedule 218.
239 GRO, Belper 3a 40.
240 GRO, Derby 7b 1170.
241 GRO, 5601C C4T 222.
242 Mike Davis, from 1901 Census.
243 FFHS, Somerset Monumental Inscriptions.
Free BMD on Internet, Births Sep 1877
Tritton Bertha Lambert Cranbrook 2a 661
245 1881 Census, RG11; Piece: 939; Folio: 9; Page: 12; Line:.
246 1891 Census, RG12; Piece: 598; Folio 68; Page 72.
247 "Ann Rennison" <ann@littlerosefield.demon.co.uk>, Anne Rennison.
248 Canterbury Marriage Licenses (N.p.: n.p., n.d.).
249 Free BMD on Internet, Dec 1871 Lewishanm 1d 603.
250 Eric John Hathaway Medcalf, eric.medcalf@paradise.net.nz.
251 1881 Census Cds, FHL Film 1341013 PRO Ref RG11 Piece 0060 Folio 147 Page 50.
252 GRO, Elham 2a 2290.
253 Robert Bruce Tritton.
254 GRO, Eastry 2a 3305.
255 From settlement certificte.
256 GRO, Cant 2a 312.
257 From MIs - Sellindge.
258 MIs - Sellindge.
259 GRO, Canterbury 2a 141b.
260 GRO, Canterbury 5b 231.
261 Free BMD on Internet, Bradford, Y 9b 133.
262 GRO, 5601C C13T 070.
263 1851 Census, HO107/1774p9.
264 Self.
265 Harold Percy Tritton.
266 1851 Census, HO107/1625 f308.
267 1881 Census Cds, PRO Ref RG11 Piece 0040 Folio 115 Page 44.
268 TFH19.
269 GRO, Marylebone 1a896 March 1888.
270 Newspaper Cutting, The Morning Chronicle (London, England), Monday, September 6, 1852; Issue 26739.
271 Alan Robert Makey.
272 Free BMD on Internet, Jun 1888 Bethnal Green 1c 382.
273 ValCrutchley@aol.com, Email of 28 Oct 2007.
274 Michael Gandy - 1851 Census, HO107 1565 f509v.
275 Ancestry.com, 1780 - 1837.
276 GRO, 2571B B46 299.
277 GRO, Lewisham 59 61.
278 Free BMD on Internet, Portsmouth 2b471.
279 dragonfly73@sympatico.ca.
280 www.ancestry.co.uk, Ancestry, GRO Index.
281 Chris Bland.
282 US Government, Social Security Death Index, Social Security Number: 288-18-4421.
283 Margaret Tritton (his wife).
284 Bev Tritton.
285 GRO, Bracknell 19 0008.
286 GRO, Leeds 9b 491.
287 GRO, Hastings 2b 34.
288 Mike Davis - Cemetry Index.
289 GRO, Kensington 1a 81.
290 GRO, Dartford 2a 844.
291 1881 Census Cds, PRO Ref RG11 Piece 0039 Folio 59 Page 66.
292 Newspaper Cutting, New York Times 22 August 1939 Page 21.
293 GRO, Croydon 5a 1876.
294 GRO, Southwark 5d 536.
295 1891 Census Return for Hoddiford,Sellindge.
296 1891 Census Return for Little Grange CourtHythe Census Reel 57.
297 1891 Census, RG12/753 P12.
298 "elizabeth leonard" <liz@leonarde.fsnet.co.uk>, Elizabeth Leonard.
299 From marriage entry1881 Census.
300 MIs - Smeeth.
301 GRO, Eastry 2a 2199.
302 Transcript of Parish Register.
303 GRO, Camberwell 1d 480.
304 1891 Census Return stated where born and living at Little Grange CourtHythe Census 1891 Reel 57.
305 Gillian Tritton.
306 GRO, Sheppey 5b 947.
307 GRO, Ashford 1285160133.
308 Paul Tritton, TFH24.
309 "Sue" <sptritton@supanet.com>, Sue Tritton.
310 GRO, Sep 1966 Barking 5a 254.
311 Marriage Certificate held, Lambeth 1d 478.
312 Elliott Collection S.of G..
313 Himself.
314 Simon Shreeve, , e-mail, [(E-ADDRESS), & STREET ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE, ].
315 Michael Gandy - 1851 Census, HO107 1563 f503.
316 John Wrake.
317 1851 Census, HO107/1625 f255.
318 Family Search on Internet, Batch 8601630 Source Call 1396140.
319 1901 Census, Rg13/848.
320 Free BMD on Internet, Dec 1881 Milton 2a 1528.
321 GRO, Brentwood 9 1688.
322 Glenda Southgate.
323 Marriage Certificate held, MXA642001.
324 Bishops Transcripts St.Dunstans,Canterbury,Kent.
325 GRO, Lewisham 1d 919.
326 Michael Gandy - 1851 CensusParish Register at baptism, HO107 1563 f63.
327 Death Certificate Held, DXZ719355.
328 1881 Census Cds, PRO Ref RG11 Piece 0060 Folio 147 Page 50.
329 GRO, Wandsworth 1d 1161.
330 1891 Census Return living at Little Grange CourtHythe Census Reel 57.
331 Paul Minor, [(E-ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE),], e-mail, 4th June 2008, "George Richard Tritton 1899".
332 GRO, Canterbury 5f 287.
333 GRO, 5601A A9T 025.
334 Tammy Goltz-Smellie, , e-mail, [(E-ADDRESS), & STREET ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE, ].
335 Pam Cook.
336 Robert Frank Tritton.
Free BMD on Internet, Marriages Dec 1876 (>99%)
Larke Bertha Hackney 1b 921
TRITTON James Lambert Hackney 1b 921
338 1851 Census, HO107/2294p453.
339 Registers WhitstableWritten by Pat as Margaret Isabella.
340 Free BMD on Internet, June Quarter 1860 Blean 2a 380.
341 Federation of Family History Societies, National Burial Index, Hastings & Rother FHS.
342 1841 Census, HO107/467/6.
343 Bushell family tree.
344 Registers - Minster.
345 Free BMD on Internet, Sept 1876 Thanet 2a 1274.
346 GRO, Canterbury 5b 222.
347 GRO, Glanford B. 7a 626.
348 GRO & 1891 Census R8 12/0137 Folio 25, Pancras 1B 133.
349 GRO, Camberwell 1d 847.
350 GRO, Southend 0 2176.
351 FFHS, NBI Somerset.
352 1851 Census ReturnHO107/1607 135b.
353 Bessie McMillan.
354 GRO, Sheppey 2a 340.
355 Birth Certificate held, BXBY916013.
356 Oliver SimonRegistered at St.Olave 1d 375.
357 Oliver SimonRegistered at St.Olave 1d 302.
358 Oliver SimonRegistered at Lambeth 1d 571.
359 Karen Heard.
360 Lind Pedigree.
361 GRODeath Certificate held, Lambeth 1d 304.
362 From MI's Sturry &1851 Census.
363 GRO, Dover 2a 1839.
364 acr1939@tiscali.co.uk.
365 Wendy McCaw.
366 GRO, Lewisham 1d 1043.
367 GRO, Lewisham 1d1089.
368 GRO, Canterbury 5b 203.
369 GRO, Chichester 5h 482.
Free BMD on Internet, Marriages Jun 1889
Golding John Porch W. Bromwich 6b 1028
Hems Thomas W. Bromwich 6b 1028
Simmons Harriet W. Bromwich 6b 1028
371 Victor Allen.
372 GRO, Lewisham 1d 1140.
373 From marriage entry & 1871 Census Return.
374 GRO, 5601A A8T 036.
375 Dover Union Records.
376 Terry Hicks, Email 8th March 2007.
377 Terry Hicks, terry_hicks@rocketmail.com.
378 Parish RegisterMarriage Certificate Held.
379 GRO, 5751D D4E 132.
380 From Birth Certificate of child.
381 Susan Patricia Tritton.
382 Collard Pedigree by Edward Maynard Collard.
383 GRO, Portsmouth 2b 1127.
384 Tassel Pedigree.
385 GRO, Camberwell 1d 1462.
386 GRO, Colchester 9 1655.
387 Fuller pedigree drafted by M. Thompsett.
388 Personal knowledge of Alec Tritton, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE].
389 GRO, Southwark 1d 145.
390 1901 Census, HO107/1629 page 13.
391 Newspaper Cutting, New York Times June 5, 1903, Friday.
392 Latter Day Saints, 1880 United States Census, FHL Film 1255009 National Archives Film T9-1009 Page 63D.
393 GRO, Greenwich 1d 758.
394 Death registered at Dartford June 1875 2a 228.
395 Parish RegisterPetham.
396 GRO, Barnsley 9c 164.
397 Spillet pedigree.
398 Tassel Pedigree & Parish Register.
399 GRO, Kensington 1a 33.
400 GRORegistered at Isle of Thanet V 516.
401 Bethal Chapel,Sheerness.
402 Free BMD on Internet, Dec 1888 Elham 2a 1798.
403 1891 CensusGRO registered at Bridge 2a 778.
404 "suzannah.foad" <suzannah.foad@btopenworld.com>, Suzannah Foad, email.
405 GRO, Doncaster 9c 864.
406 Gerald Lawson.
407 Hastings Observer.
408 Federation of Family History Societies, National Burial Index, Hastings & Roother FHS.
409 GRO, Poole 5a 379.
410 Kay Hollingsbee, TFH26.
411 O'Neill family group.
412 GRO, Dover v 145.
413 GRO, Dover 1 84.
414 Kelsey Pedigree.
415 GRO, Thanet 5b 1952.
416 GRO, Elham 2a 2543.
417 GRO, Bridge 5b 168.
418 GRO, Bridge 5f 163.
419 GRO, Bridge 5f 215.
420 GRO, Bridge 2a 4152.
421 GRO, Ches'field 3a 301.
422 GRO, Bridge 5b 185.
423 GRO, Bridge 2a 2547.
424 GRO, Bridge 5b 109.
425 GRO, Leeds 9b 580.
426 GRO, St.Geo.East 1c 377.
427 GRO, Brentwood 4a 361.
428 GROBirth certificate held, Stepney 1c 420.
429 GRO, Brent 5a 682.
430 GRO, Stepney 1c 371.
431 GRO, Brentwood 4a 493.
432 GRO, Peterborough 3b195.
433 GRO, Barnsley 9c 76.
434 GRO, Canterbury 5f 293.
435 GRO, Maidstone 2a 3442.
436 GRO, Derby 3a 655.
437 GRO, Weymouth 7c 423.
438 GRO, Weymouth 7c 2085.
439 GRO, Croydon 5g 219.
440 GRO, Bradford 2b 464.
441 GRO, Bradford 9b 312.
442 Pat -Bishops Transcripts St.Dunstans,Canterbury,Kent but she states 5/6/1870.
443 GRO Death Index, Dover 16/1135 Dec 1981.
444 Louise Hummerstone, [(E-ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE),], e-mail.
445 GRO, Canterbury 5b 625.
446 GRO, E.Ashford 2a 857.
447 GRO, Greenwich V 289.
448 GRO, Greenwich 1d 537.
449 GRO, Greenwich 1d 582.
450 GRO, Greenwich 1d 555.
451 GRO, Camberwell 1d 1444.
452 GROBirth certificate held, Lewisham 1d 1125.
453 GRO, Lewisham 5d 86.
454 GRO, Lewisham 14 0317.
455 Barbara Gilks.
456 GRO, Dartford V 94.
457 GRO, Kensington 1a 176.
458 Free BMD on Internet, DEc 1872 Kensington 1a 176.
459 GROBirth certificate held, Rotherhithe IV 459.
460 GRO, Dartford 2a 647.
461 GRO, Dartford 2a 1052.
462 GRO, Rotherhithe IV 445.
463 GRO, Dartford 2a 1059.
464 GRO, Kensington 1a 97.
465 GRO, Sheppey 2a 879.
466 GRO, Chichester 5a 555.
467 GRO, Southwark IV 543.
468 GRODeath Certificate held, Southwark 1d 129.
Free BMD on Internet, Births Sep 1857
Formoy Mary Ann Jane Stepney 1c 526
470 GRO, St.Saviour 1d 130.
471 GRO, St.Olave 1d 256.
472 GRO, St.Olave 1d 238.
473 GRO, St.Martin 1a 698.
474 GRO, Lambeth 1d 913.
475 GRO, Newington 1d 213.
476 GRO, Newington 1d 143.
477 GRO, Colchester 4a 484.
478 From marriage entry & 1891 Census.
479 "katrina@home" <katrina1@btconnect.com>, Katrina Wade.
480 GRO, Hastings 2b 16.
481 GRO, Dover 2a 621.
482 GRO, Dover 2a 388.
483 GROPat Tritton, Bridge 2a 343.
484 Gordon Rose.
485 Newspaper Cutting, Caledonian Mercury (Edinburgh, Scotland), Monday, September 17, 1849; Issue 19920.
486 GRO, Dover 2a 982.
487 GRO, Dover 2a 894.
488 1881 marriage entry and census entry.
489 Hawera & Normanby Star, 12 December 1905 > Page 6 > TO ABOLISH "TREATING.".
490 Parish Register & 1851 census.
491 Dennis Phillips.
492 Internethttp://chaos.ph.utexas.edu/tritton.html.
493 Bland pedigree.
494 1851 CensusParish Register.
495 Free BMD on Internet, Twyman Isaac George Mile End 1c 923 sep 1876.
496 1881 Census, Rg11/462 P44.
497 Free BMD on Internet, Twyman Robert Tritton St.Geo.East 1c 594 March 1877.
498 1881 Census, Rg11/461 p29.
499 TFH9 - Letters - Alice McCracken.
500 Letter from Joan Jenkins 6/9/1990.
501 Patricia Payne who holds death certificate.Elizabeth Joad was the informant.
502 From burial entry & 1851 Census.
503 From marriage entry & 1861 Census.
504 From baptismal entry.
505 1851 Census, Coldred Green.
506 Rev. Francis Haslewood FSA, The Parish of Chislet, Kent - Its monuments, vicars and parish officers (Privately printed by Francis, Rector of St. Matthews Ipswich, Life Member of the Kent Archaelogical Society and One of the Council of the Suffolk Institute of Archaelogy and Natural History), 144.
507 Whorlow pedigree & Marie Stapely.
508 "suzannah.foad" <suzannah.foad@btopenworld.com>, Suzannah Foad.
509 Jeanne Brinton.
510 The Parish of Chislet,Kent by Rev. Francis Haslewood.
511 Collard Pedigree by Edward Maynard CollardThe Parish of Chislet,Kent by Rev. Francis Haslewood.
512 Collard Pedigree by Edward Maynard Collard1861 Census.
513 1891 Census, RG12/707/f90.
514 From marriage licence & Parish Register.
515 Jack Ames Tritton.
516 dbidgood@mail.chebucto.ns.ca, Don Bidgood.
517 Kentish Register, The Kentish register, and monthly miscellany. From August to December, 1793. Volume I.
518 Parish Register & 1881 Census.
519 1861 Census, RG9/523 Page 12.
520 tassellj@hotmail.com.
521 GRO, Thanet 5b 679.
522 From MI's Sturry.
523 GRO, KDM6-196 Kent Dec 2005.
524 Sreven Hill, , e-mail.
525 Newspaper Cutting, The Morning Chronicle (London, England), Wednesday, October 1, 1851; Issue 26457.
526 GRO, 2431 LC162 214.
527 weilife@hotmail.co.uk, John Weiland, email 20/6/05.
528 Isle ot Thanet Union Records.
529 Parish Register research by Judy Hopkins.
530 Herne MIs.
531 from Herne MIs.
532 From marriage certificate, MXA642001.
533 1891 Census Return living at Stone HillHythe Census Reel 57.
534 GRO, Camberwell 1d 363.
535 GRODeath Certificate held, Lambeth 1d 362.
536 GRO, Canterbury 5b 244.
537 GRO, Canterbury 2a 1119.
538 GRO, Southwark 1d 10.
539 Dorothy Grissom.
540 www.woodchurchancestry.org.uk, name shown as Barton.
541 Oliver SimonResult of cricket accident.
542 Free BMD on Internet, Sept 1894 Barton R. 6a 113.
543 Free BMD on Internet, Jun 1897 Barton R 6a 92.
544 http://www.ancestry.co.uk/community/member/profile.aspx?cba=DavidRichards1952.
Anna Thomas <anna@thomas-metselaar.freeserve.co.uk>, Good morning Alec,
Sorry I did not get back to you on Friday. We had visitors and yesterday we were out all day.
Many thanks for your message. I certainly will give you the details I have on Kevin's family, although I do not yet have all the details on.
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